About Rangotang
Rangotang is the poster collaboration of designer Michael Grigg and illustrator Chip Baker. Accomplished screenprinter Eric Carnell masterfully transfers the duo’s vision to the tactile world. Their brilliant work has won accolades across the globe and their celebrity precedes them in their travels to distant reaches of the world as they explore new frontiers of the mind.
In a recent interview in LMI, Baker gives us some insight into his foray upon the art world, “Process and materials? Basically, I think of an idea and it’s already done once it’s in my mind. I don’t let materials dictate subject matter or vise-versa.”
Baker’s reputation in the art world has shifted from “bad boy” of his younger years to more of a playboy though he doesn’t let it go to his head. “Playa’s gotta play" Baker is fond of stating.
Grigg is a bit of a mystery. As manager of world renowned DJ Shrimpy Trash of E*Trash fame, he’s a jetsetter to say the least - barely in one place long enough to track down. He is known to have been knighted in England back in 2006. In a 2015 interview with GQ Grigg gives us a brief glimpse into his brilliance, “Design is dead. I simply transcribe the vibe of our known universe.”
Contact: Mike Grigg • Chip Baker